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Setting the default browser for links in GoldMine

11/03/2021 – in GoldMine, Issues

When you click on a link in an email in GoldMine, GoldMine asks Windows to open a browser. Often, Windows will insist on using Internet Explorer even if the default set through Windows Settings is something else.

This is solely a Windows related issue. There is no setting within GoldMine which handles this, only a Windows registry setting which defines the default handler for HTML and HTM URL/files.

IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this is only provided as is without any warranty of any kind and it’s always a good idea to make a backup of your registry before making changes to it.

The following example sets the default handler to be Chrome.

1. Open the registry editor on the machine (Start > “Run”, type “regedit” and click OK)

2. Browse out to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\ and click on the .HTM folder/key

3. Double-click on the value on the right and remove the entry:”htmlfile” from the “Value Data” field

4. Replace this entry with “ChromeHTML” and click “OK”

5. Now Browse out to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\ and click on the .HTML folder/key

6. Double-click on the value on the right and remove the entry:”htmlfile” from the “Value Data” field

7. Replace this entry with “ChromeHTML” and click “OK”

NOTE: you may need to reboot the machine to get the change to stick.

8. Log back into GoldMine and open a hyperlink from from an email to test

I use Opera and, in my registry, I’ve put ‘OperaStable’ in both those keys (.htm and .html).
